Cloud, Moon & Stars Leather Baby Bib
- Designed in black and white, this gorgeous ShuSha Baby leather bib will work with any outfit and any occasion.
- Each design is embossed into the leather, making cleaning a breeze.
- This bib is for any baby from the age of 5 months or older.
- Adjustable with two different clips.
In stock (can be backordered)
ShuSha Baby leather bibs are created with you and your baby in mind which means we’ve sourced the best possible leather and designed each bib with love.
- ShuSha Baby leather bibs are made from smooth leather that is suitable for feeding and fun!
- A long-lasting baby product with no need to be washed makes life easier.
- ShuSha Baby leather bibs are non-toxic making them safe for your little one.
- Each bib has been designed with baby in mind including the stitching and design.
- Embossed designs mean there’s no chance of food being trapped in the crevices.
- Leather can easily be cleaned with a wipe of a cloth and dries quickly.
- Using a ShuSha Baby leather bib means using less regular bibs every day as leather won’t soak through.
- Unique and trendy, each and every ShuSha Baby leather bib is handmade in South Africa!
- Without the need to be washed over and over, our bibs are super durable and will last longer than standard cotton bibs.
Durable and easy to clean, ShuSha Baby leather bibs are handmade in South Africa using genuine leather.
Find out how to properly care for your bib and what not to do.
Cleaning your bib:
- The simplest and safest way to clean your ShuSha Baby leather bib is to wipe it with a damp cloth.
What not to do:
- Do not use harsh detergents when cleaning your ShuSha Baby leather bib.
- While our bibs are not easily stained, it’s very important to not spill ink on the leather as it will affect the colour and possibly stain.
- Do not put your ShuSha Baby leather bib in the washing machine as it will damage the leather.
- Each bib has been designed with baby in mind including the stitching and design.
- Embossed designs mean there’s no chance of food being trapped in the crevices.
- Do not put your leather baby bib in the tumble dryer as it will damage the leather.
- Do not dry your baby leather bib in direct sunlight as it can damage the leather. It is safer to dry in a cool place out of direct sunlight whenever possible.
Each and every ShuSha Baby leather bib is hand crafted with care in South Africa.
The leather used when creating your unique baby bib is CE certified and can be safely used by you and your little one.
100% Euro compliant, ShuSha Baby leather bibs are non-toxic and no pollutants were released while attaining the leather for your product.
Safe for your baby and gentle on the environment, ShuSha Baby leather bibs are perfect for every family.